How My GA Online can help run Summer Camps!

Posted on: June 13, 2017 | General

A program can use My GA Online to help organize and facilitate your summer Strength and Condition programs. Coaches will have a lot of other athletes besides football players attend these camps, and this is a great way to track all your athletes.

Below is a procedure and tips and tricks for setting up your Summer Camp for My GA Online.

Best Way to Set Up Middle Schools and Other Sport Athletes

Add ‘Positions’ based on Sports (This is used for non-football players and middle school athletes)

Feel free to add as many of positions that you would like in order to organize your campers. For example, here is a list of some possible ‘positions’ to add to your program.

-Volleyball (VB)   – Football (FB)   -Basketball (BB)   -Baseball (Base)   -Cross Country (XC)    -Track (Trk)   -Swimming (Swim)

You can add as many or as few as you want, but just make sure you click SAVE when you are done.

Download an up to date CSV for your program

Download and updated CSV of your athletes to input.

Add New Athletes to the CSV

Add your athletes to your CSV including the FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, GRADATION YEAR, and POSITION. It is very important to understand that when you are adding the POSITION in a CSV that they are in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

Upload the updated CSV to My GA Online

Upload Athletes to My GA Online.

Create a Team(s) for non-football athletes and middle school athletes

There are many different ways that a program can set up their teams in order to keep track of your campers. Below is a list of a few suggestions of how you could possibly do it.

  1. Create a Team for Football Players for your younger grades, 8th, and 7th. You can put them in positions or just add them to your depth chart using any/all.
  2. Create a Team for Other Sports: Create a non-football athletes Team that you can use to set up your program. On the depth chart, you can make their position by sport. For example, make a column title Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball. Then you make the selected possible players to only those sports.


Once this is all done, you will be able to easily take attendance, check numbers, and stay easily organized. If you have any questions please Contact Us or Visit our Website.